Sunday, January 5, 2014

Poem for the New Year

2013 is over and a new year begun
Life in Memphis has been bittersweet, full of both challenges and fun.

Here are a few highlights from the end of the year
I hope they bring you joy, as to my heart, they are dear!

We’ve raked a LOT of leaves
And been racking our brains in class
Learning from some incredible teachers 
And been challenged to apply Scripture with sass ;)

 (I mean a LOT of leaves!)

(Robert Coleman, wrote Master Plan of Evangelism! Oh, and friends with Billy Graham, just sayin…)
(Halloween outreach-meet and treat!)
(December parent’s night out for neighbors, so fun!)

November and December had a party or two 
And I had some great time with family,
Riding four-wheelers for Thanksgiving,
and then going shopping for baby :)

 (Downline Class Christmas party-our place)

(Downline Women's Christmas party)

 (Family Destination Thanksgiving!)

(My sister-in-law is gorgeous!)

(Please note creepy picture…yikes!)

The birthday of 25 occurred, and of course we threw a party
Then a friend or two got hitched,
and believe it or not, I wasn’t tardy.

 It has been a very eventful semester, 
I can hardly believe it is over.
This next one will go even quicker, 
and it starts tomorrow!

So here is to another year
that is bound to be full of blessings,
I'm not certain all of this even rhymed,
but, hey, it was worth attempting.

Love you guys and hope to share more soon!