Saturday, September 14, 2013

Talk about Loving Your Job...

One week of orientation down, and here's a taste of what I have signed up for :)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Day in the Life...

I know the burning question on all of your minds, what in the world does my day look like? Ok, ok, obviously I’m being dramatic. There’s no telling who actually reads this. BUT, just in case you were actually wondering what a typical day in Memphis looks like for me, I’m going to re-hash what my day looked like today...

 • Wake up at 5 AM, drive to class with roommates dressed in our super fabulous business casual-sunrise edition.
• Sit in class from 5:45 to 7:45 taking notes like crazy because I can’t seem to get enough of this incredible teaching! (Look to future posts for more detail; topics today-Genesis 1 and 2 and Evangelistic Discipleship-SO GOOD!!)

• Meet with a group at 8:15 about participating in an optional educational track in addition to the current classes-this one based specifically on using the marketplace as a mission field.
• Grab a Chick-Fil-A sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast biscuit…enough said.
• Spend some time with the Big Guy upstairs to dedicate the day to His Glory.
• Go hang out with a friend from the program who is a full-time nanny for 3 little girls (2 of which are 6 month old twins, talk about busy!).

• Catch up over the phone with some friends and family while cooking dinner (loving this part of being on my own! Bring it on Martha Stewart).
• Eat previously mentioned meal and enjoy every bite!
• Get some details worked out with new job….oh yeah, I GOT A NEW JOB!! The Lord has opened up a perfectly providential door for me to be a part-time neurology nurse at one of the major pediatric hospitals in the city ☺. Which, if my patients are anything like this sweet neurology patient I know, I think I will like my job just fine ;)

• Get a snack with some friends (don’t be so shocked, I have actually made a few friends) and clean house with roommates in preparation for our first monthly house-check in the morning (if only they knew who my Grandmother was).
• After getting a few good laughs in with my housemates (what was the source of our laughter is privileged information), snuggle into my bed and type up my day for all of you to read.

 To begin to even share one small point of all that I’ve learned and the ways the Lord has been growing me is almost too overwhelming to even begin describing. I hope to delve deeper as the Lord leads me to share, but until then just rest easy knowing that the Lord is proving His faithfulness in so many perfect ways. I have only begun to see the opportunities we have to honor the cross of Christ and bring glory to our Heavenly Father by the way we steward our lives. God is Sovereign and we have a responsibility to steward the gift of salvation He has given. I am beyond privileged to be here soaking in the firm foundation of God’s Holy Word and pray that I will be a faithful steward of all that I learn until I breathe my last breath.

Please continue to pray for my complete dependence on Christ and not the opinion of those around me as well as the few decisions that are still to be made (church I will attend and volunteer opportunities I will commit to.) Praise God for His faithfulness and His willingness to allow us to be a part of HIS story. We are so unworthy but He still loves and uses us. May you be reminded of His love and goodness as you read and be encouraged by His love for you. Until next time, may the peace of Christ be with you ☺.