Tuesday, August 20, 2013

And They're Off!!

Well, our first full week of this new adventure in the great city of Memphis is behind us, and even though the details are almost too much to clearly express, I thought I’d throw a few highlights your way. Brace yourself, this may get graphic…

 • 1 day after meeting my new housemates, I had to inform them that I had found head lice in my hair (I told you it would get graphic…). Don’t worry, I made sure to spread it to all of you before I left the city. Just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t forget about me ☺.
 • My precious roommate volunteered to wash all of my bedding for me, as I had already headed back to Oklahoma for a wedding (congrats Millers!). Best roommate award: Allison Love. (Sweet name, huh?)
 • I had two job interviews at the children’s hospital and God is being incredibly faithful in opening doors to provide financially for me. Stay tuned for more updates on this!
• God has already begun His perfect work of pruning me for this new stage in life. See below for details...
 • Memphis town LOVES Elvis! That’s right, last week was Elvis week here, and these people don’t mess around when it comes to the king of rock and roll. Even got a taste of That’s Alright Momma (Elvis’s first song recorded when he was 19 at Sun Studios) during orientation. Please note Birthday Elvis glasses on my housemate below...

• Finally got settled into “the Shire” (that’s the name of our home if you were wondering… don’t judge,) with my 4 other housemates, whom I love!! Besides the few extra 6-legged insects that decided to hang out in the kitchen and some freezer issues, it hasn’t been too bad of a transition. And no, I’m not talking about head lice, people, even though they do have 6 legs. Anyone who hasn’t dealt with ants invading the house during the summer is missing out. I would take 6 legs over 4 most days (One house had to deal with rats and even though having boys come over with machetes and bats to solve the problem I’m sure was entertaining, I’ll stick with our ant traps.)
• We celebrated one housemate’s Birthday by donuts at midnight and dancing! And I am happy to say that I am not the oldest in our house now, although she’s only got me beat by a few months ☺. From left to right is Lachelle, me, Ashley (birthday girl), Allison (my roommate), and Rose. I already love these girls so much!

I am so deeply excited about all that God is doing in this city and incredibly privileged to be a part of The Great Commission being fulfilled. Last night, in our first class, we were informed that when we graduate in May, that 1,200 people will have been sent out from Downline Ministries fully equipped to spread the Gospel of Christ by making disciples all over the world. Talk about getting chills!! God is SO FAITHFUL!!! His name will be proclaimed to all nations and we are all privileged to be a small piece in His puzzle.

I don’t think I can accurately explain all of the ways that God has been pruning me, but I can definitely say that He is. I know that our loving Heavenly Father is willing to challenge us. Not only that, but He is also loving enough to reveal our sin to us. This thought is scary to me, but as I was reminded in class last night, my sin is covered with the Holy blood of Jesus Christ the lamb, and I don’t have to fear the pruning the Lord will bring because it will simply make me more like Christ. Please continue to pray for me as I struggle to adjust to this new environment both mentally and emotionally.

Some specific prayer requests:
 • That I would choose wisely which job to accept at the children’s hospital, I currently have two options, praise the Lord!
• That I would exercise wisdom in choosing a local church to attend and serve.
• That the Lord would reveal His will in where I should volunteer this year, and that I would be discerning in not over-scheduling myself or spreading myself too thin.
• For the Lord to open doors through my church and/or volunteer site for me to disciple a younger girl or girls in their faith and still to remain faithful to those I have invested in back home.

Thank you again for all of your prayers! I look forward to more updates and sharing all that God is doing here!

Newsletter, for anyone that missed it..

Alright, I know what you may be thinking… How much money does she need and who do I make my check out to? Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with raising financial support, but I am pleased to inform you that the Lord has already provided all of my financial needs for this trip! I am simply writing you to share about the details of this new journey the Lord is leading me on. Well, and ask for your prayers as well, but I figured that was a given (see enclosed bookmark ☺). As most of you may know, I’m moving! In just a few days, I will be packing up my things and driving East to participate in a ministry program called Emerging Leaders in Memphis, Tennessee. What is Emerging Leaders, you may ask? Well, that is kind of a loaded question, but if you will bear with me, I will see if I can give a decent explanation.
The vision of Downline Ministries is to equip the layperson with the tools, experience, and knowledge necessary to serve God effectively in whatever vocation that person may choose. Emerging Leaders is a program designed specifically for post-graduate students. The website states, “The Emerging Leaders program exists to equip gospel-centered young adults in the area of Biblical disciple-making” and “to be a launching pad into effective, gospel-centered adulthood.” In a nutshell, about 40 or so post-graduate students (including yours truly) will be living in houses in the community, taking 6 hours of class each week (basically pre-seminary Bible courses), volunteering 4 hours at the charity of our choosing, and maintaining jobs in order to support ourselves through the program (no job yet, but the Lord will provide in His perfect timing!). Each of us will also be discipled/mentored individually by someone older in the faith throughout the entirety of the program, in order that we may experience first-hand the plan Jesus gave to spread the Gospel through one-on-one, intentional relationships.
I have experienced a wide slew of emotions these past few months in preparation for this and have been challenged, grown, and prepared more than I ever thought possible, but one thing I am certain of: I am going exactly where the Lord wants me. Following Christ and choosing a life of submission to Him will never be an easy choice, but it is always the best one. As Mark 8 reminds us, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross, and follow me.” I am slowly learning the reality of what that verse means, but I have no regrets and have seen first hand how trustworthy our perfect, good, and loving Heavenly Father truly is, especially when we are obedient and experience struggles because of it. God is so faithful and I cannot wait to share over this next year all of the ways that He will prove this to be true. I will be blogging about this journey and you can find the link to my blog and the ministry website on the bookmark included in this letter. May the Lord bless each of you through this journey, as He has blessed me in more ways than I can express through each of you in this time of preparation. Thank you for all that you have done in supporting me thus far and I look forward to you joining me on this journey through your prayerful support.