Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Se Vidimo (in English...see you later)

I just finished packing my bags, and it is hard to believe that this day has already come. Looking back, so much has happened in such little time, sometimes it feels like none of this is real. But, God is good and all that took place over these past eight weeks has all been a touch from Him and I am more than grateful.
This past week was basically time for us to relax and see a little bit more of this amazing country and the surrounding places. Believe it or not, I actually got to go to Venice, Italy! I never thought that I'd actually get to see it in my lifetime, but now I have and it was so cool :) Brane drove us there after we spent one night in the mountains at his home and we spent the day there. The rest of our time in Kobarid, we got to do some hiking and saw some more of the Soca, which was bitter cold to get in, but we did it. We got to do some swimming in another river that was chilly but felt wonderful. The mountains have been one of my most favorite things we have seen here. There is just something irreplaceable about being in the middle of God's glorious creation and allowing yourself to truly get a taste of the beauty and intellect of our Heavenly Father. We weren't surrounded by people, but were just able to relax and soak in the vastness and joy of His creation. I never feel as close to God as when I'm sitting in His garden and I love every minute of it. 
Other than touring and getting ourselves ready to return home, we have been saying our goodbyes, which is always hard. We have had to do it so many times, and it wears on the spirit, but in Christ we are all united in His eternal Kingdom and He is constantly reminding me of that. Plus, there is always facebook, right? Haha. Anyway, so we said goodbye to Brane's family, the Zelenjak's (I'll be impressed if any of you can pronounce that properly), after another wonderful few days with them. During our time, I spoke what little Slovene I could with them and we got to be a part of a small worship service and Bible study that they hold in their home. His mother also gave us all little gifts to take home, little kitty cat dolls, for us to remember Staro Selo by. They are so cute and mine's name is Pika :)
We have also met up with a few people from camp since being back in Ljubljana, having coffee and spending time with friends as much as we can before heading home. On Saturday, we had coffee with a girl from camp and her mother and had just a wonderful time. It was such a blessing from God. The next day, we had lunch with another girl from camp and her mother, who was also at adult camp. That was a blessing as well, and God is so wonderful about showing His love to us through others here on earth. Another couple from the International Church here also cooked us dinner last night and we are going out with one other church friend this evening.
My mind and heart are so full with all God has done as well as apprehensions about going home and life that is about to begin again there. I am so very grateful for this summer, and everything that God taught me here. Every little thing that happened, whether it be a team frustration, a kid making me smile, or someone simply showing us love, all of it was for the glory of God and all of it served for His eternal purpose. It is very hard for me to say goodbye, but I know that out time in Slovenia must come to an end, but I also know that the work of the Lord will continue, even without us being here. There are incredible servants of Christ here, fighting the spiritual battle that is blazing here, winning over as many souls for the Kingdom as God wills. I have been reminded that this battle is not only in this country, but is a worldwide war, even in our everyday lives at home. Please pray that I am able to share the passion and truth I have found here with all of you at home, that I never forget all God has done in my heart and the hearts of those around me as I live my everyday life, forced into a daily routine that is extremely busy. God has been faithful, and I know He will teach me even more during the coming school year, but I always want to hold on to the revelations He has given me here and I want to share them with you. Please pray for courage for me, that I will not lose heart, but continue to share the love of Christ with anyone I encounter, for that is our calling. 
Many of us are familiar with this verse, but we often forget it. Matthew 28:19-20, The Great Commission, reminds us of that calling. Christ commanded us to go out and make disciples, to lead others to Christ, and He promised to be with us in that task. He promised to be with us always, and this is truly what He will do. Our calling is a constant one, one that we must apply to our everyday lives. We must seize every moment, reaching others for the Kingdom. As Scripture states, "How will they know if no one will tell them?" By claiming the title of "Christian", we also accept the call to live for His Kingdom and spread His love. I will pray for all of you, that God will be revealed to you and through you. Don't let any moment pass by that He gives you, and constantly be listening to the Spirit, who will lead any who ask in the path they should go. 
I am so extremely grateful for this opportunity that has been afforded me because of your love and sacrifice. So many of you gave in ways that I know wasn't easy. God used everyone of you here in this country through your prayer and support and even though you couldn't experience it personally, God has blessed so many because of you. May you be blessed as well. I cannot thank you enough for your love, prayers, and support. I cannot wait to share all of this in person and will be home in only a few days to do so! God bless so much and may He be with you these days. Hvala Lepa!! (beautiful thank you in Slovene. :) )

Monday, July 13, 2009

God's Work in Kočevje

My heart is so full with the blessings of Christ, I can hardly explain.  So many things have happened since I was last able to write, I could write for hours! We were so busy with English camp and preparations for it, I hardly had time to even journal. Where do I even begin? I'll give you an overview and then a few highlights :)
The first week, we just taught adult camp at night (from about five to eight), which averaged about 26 people by the end. After eating breakfast at the dorm every morning, my team and I headed over to Toni and Mateja's home to plan with our partners for the evening and eat lunch (always fabulous!). The next week, we added kid's camp in the morning (from around ten to lunchtime, sometimes later), where we worked with a group of about 16 Slovenian kids, teaching them English. It was tough because we couldn't plan for that until after dinner, which was eaten around 9 30 each night after adult camp. God gave us strength and creativity, though, and it all worked out just fine. Toni also gave us a break the first weekend, taking us rafting, to the beach on the Croatian coast, and to Vintgar and Lake Bled. Lake Bled is one of the main tourist attractions in Slovenia and is absolutely beautiful. It is a town with a lake in the middle of it, and an island with a beautiful church on it. We toured the city, getting to see Vintgar (just outside the city, a gorgeous green gorge that was so extremely beautiful, full of rushing waterfalls and breathtaking plant life), ride a boat out to the church, and eating pizza at this awesome restaurant. During the week, we also were invited over to people's homes for lunch, all of them from our adult English camp. These people are so extremely generous, feeding us more food than we could hardly bare to eat, and all of them telling us we were welcome in their homes anytime. Everything we ate was more than delicious.
It was so wonderful to see God move. It is hard to express in words all that He did. In a nutshell, the city of Kocevje is a city full of people longing for love and truth. The adult camp was free for any who wanted to participate, and these people were extremely appreciative, giving back to us in any way they could. Whether it was by inviting us into their home, bringing us gifts (which happened quite often), or throwing us a party at the end, they let us know how grateful they were. We did not expect any of it at all. They showered us with blessings, revealing God's love to us even if they were completely unaware. The best part was that God touched every life involved, including us. He showed the people there His truth through daily Bible lessons and revealed His love through us, what a blessing. People came to learn English, kids and adults, and God taught them about Himself as well. The last night of both camps, there were many tears. Tears of joy for the opportunity to be a part of God's plan, and tears of sadness for parting ways of brothers and sisters, some who may not know Christ yet. But, through those tears, we know God was there. He will guide us all, whether our paths meet on earth again or not. Please join me in praying for the people of Kocevje of all ages, as some continue their walk with Christ while others struggle with the Spirit. Pray that the truth of Christ will fall on soft hearts through these people and be received by those that heard it. Pray for the church of Kocevje as they continue to do God's work everyday in this wonderful city. Pray for us as well that we will be able to stay in contact with these people, loving them as Christ does. Our trip is coming to an end, but it is so clear now God's purpose for us in Slovenia. He is so faithful and I praise Him for all He is and how He loves. God bless you all!