Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Croutons, Cowgirls, and a little bit of Jesus :)

Well, here we go for round two!! I am back in Panama City Beach, Florida, serving as a Discipleship Group Leader at Kaleo!! I've only been here a week and a half, but God is already growing me so much and beginning to pave paths for all that He is going to do through our project this summer, it's really so incredible!

So, I'll start with the particulars and then see where the road leads :) There are three girls in my group, two from SNU (Brooke and Crosbie, who I also like to call giggles, haha) and another from Iowa State (Anndrea- makes me laugh so much!). We are already getting along so well and I can tell we are going to make incredible, lifelong memories. We all already have jobs and that is such a blessing! I was praying that God would provide jobs for all of us within the first week, and He went above and beyond that request, opening a door at Red Brick pizza for Anndrea WITHIN THE FIRST HOUR (I know right?!), at Alvin’s Island for Brooke, and Five Guys for Crosbie (following in my footsteps, I’m so proud ☺). I got a job at a cute little restaurant called Cowgirl Kitchen in this adorable town called Rosemary Beach. It seriously reminds me of Slovenia and just being in Europe. Yesterday, I was honored to make my first-ever batch of homemade croutons, and they were quite delicious if I do say so myself ☺. I am still getting to know the staff and learn my way around there, but working in food last summer definitely makes things easier.

Every Monday, all of the D-Group Leaders meet for training and one-to-one time with their team leader and team time. My team consists of two OU girls and my fellow Five Guys employee from last summer, Lindsey ☺. Our leader is from OU as well and she is really incredible. God has already been using all of them in my life in incredible ways! Starting with Leader’s week (the week before all of the participants arrived), God began to work in my heart and give me so much peace and comfort with the other leaders and with the project as a whole. Through this, I felt more “myself” than I ever did last summer and I know that God brought my heart to the place that it needed to be in order to be able to pour into these girls.

Coming back to Kaleo this summer was a difficult decision to make, but I am confident that I am right where the Lord wants me. Our second day here, we jumped right back into beach evangelism, and I felt like I was at home again. Fulfilling the role of disciple-maker for 3 girls is not going to be easy by any means, but it seems like few things with God are. When I envision what the rest of this summer will hold, I can hardly even imagine it my heart is so excited about getting to see the Lord work. This past Monday, we were doing a small study over the Great Commission, and as we discussed it, my heart just soared. I knew, as we were going over the call that Christ gave as His last words on this earth, that God’s plan for my life is being fulfilled this summer. I find peace knowing that my Heavenly Father has revealed to me His specific plan for all of our lives and has completely fulfilled me through it. Discipleship was God’s plan from the very beginning, and now I am a part of it- even someone as unworthy as me. I look forward to sharing more and envision the rest of this summer and my life with great anticipation. May God bless each of you as He reveals His plan to you as well.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." –Matthew 28:19-20